Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

Reasons It's Unwise To Resolve Speeding Tickets Outside Of Court Using Pre-Pay Options

by Kenneth Pierce

The average person does not want to spend their precious time in a courtroom. However, this happens regularly across the nation. Some courts even have elaborate methods of conducting court services without judges being physically in courtrooms. Technological advancements have made the way for judges to listen to and rule on cases from remote locations such as their homes. This does not mean that accused individuals can necessarily avoid going to court. 

Some jurisdictions have special options for traffic tickets. They might allow drivers who are accused of speeding to pay or negotiate their speeding tickets online. This may sound like a good option, but it is important to consider the potential effects of paying a ticket without dispute. The following points identify a few things to keep in mind as you explore this alternative way to handle your speeding ticket. 


Whether you choose to go to court or accept an offer for a reduced ticket, you need to be aware that you likely have options you could be overlooking. Many prosecutors want to close cases quickly. So, they might offer the option to pay the ticket at a lower cost. However, the same offer will likely still exist if you opt to wait and have your case heard in court. 

You also have the option to not try to defend yourself against the ticket. A speeding ticket attorney can be used as a resource for speeding ticket defense strategies. These defense attorneys will likely know how to navigate the judicial system in your area and be familiar with prosecutors. There are never guarantees about how a case of any kind will end, but a lawyer could negotiate your case. This could result in a dismissal or other favorable outcome.

Defense Strategies

Some individuals do not attempt to defend themselves against traffic tickets even if they know that they were wrongly charged. This is because there are assumptions that a ticket means there is a preponderance of evidence proving guilt, which is not always the case. Legal defenses can result in a traffic ticket charge getting dismissed. If there are additional tickets in the case, they could also get dismissed or reduced. Prosecutors have to prove their cases. Discovery of evidentiary value such as video recordings from dashcams could help your defense. 


Do not make the mistake of thinking that settling your ticket without appearing in court will mean that the issue is over. From a legal standpoint, it may be. However, you could face some long-term consequences of your decision. You might get a spike in your insurance rates. Another potential inconvenience is the loss of your driving privileges if there are other factors involved, such as existing points on your license. 

To learn more, contact a speeding ticket lawyer.


About Me

Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

As the sister of a law student, I thought that I could handle my own personal injury case when I was hit by a vehicle as I was walking across the street. Luckily, the car wasn't going very fast – but I did end up with a contusion and a broken leg. Turns out the process wasn't easy and I ended up hiring a lawyer. I learned a lot about the kind of information needed to win a personal injury case such as the kind of evidence that is effective and the types of documentation needed from the insurance company, employers, and even witnesses that were at the scene. My name is Rebecca, and I created this website to help guide you through your personal injury case. There is no reason for you to feel alone throughout the process, and I hope my insight helps you feel more empowered with your decision making.
