Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

Dicove And Spousal Support: What You Must Know

by Kenneth Pierce

If you are considering dissolving your marriage, one of the key issues you might have to deal with during the divorce process is spousal support, also known as alimony. Many people are not familiar with the various types of spousal support that are allowed by law. This article takes a closer look at the different kinds of alimony that you need to be aware of.  


While the divorce is pending, you might be eligible for temporary support that allows you to maintain your lifestyle during the course of proceedings. This type of support helps a spouse with a lower income avoid financial problems while the case is ongoing. Each state will have guidelines that determine the amount of money that is paid. In some cases, however, if your spouse has an especially low income, they might not have to pay temporary support even if their income is higher than yours. 


This type of alimony is designed to help those who have become dependent on their spouse's income during the marriage and do not have any skills that would allow them to maintain a reasonable standard of living. The court will order the more financially stable spouse to pay alimony while the other spouse undergoes a period of employment retraining or goes back to school. Once the less skilled spouse gains the skills or education necessary to get compete in the workforce, the support will end. 


In certain circumstances a judge might award a spouse permanent or long-term support rather than rehabilitative support. This usually happens when one spouse had a serious disability or medical condition that prevents them from obtaining gainful employment. Courts generally award this type of alimony when the marriage has been of a long duration. Permanent support might also be granted if both parties consented to it in a prenuptial agreement. 


If you sacrificed educational or career opportunities in order to assist the career advancement of your spouse, you might be entitled to reimbursement support. For example, if you made financial sacrifices to help a spouse go to law school or medical school, a judge might order your spouse to pay reimbursement support to compensate you for your efforts. 

You might be eligible for some type of spousal support in the event that you decide to end your marriage. To find out more about this complex legal topic, contact a family law attorney like one from Nelson, McPherson Summers & Santos LC in your area.


About Me

Get Ahead in Your Personal Injury Case

As the sister of a law student, I thought that I could handle my own personal injury case when I was hit by a vehicle as I was walking across the street. Luckily, the car wasn't going very fast – but I did end up with a contusion and a broken leg. Turns out the process wasn't easy and I ended up hiring a lawyer. I learned a lot about the kind of information needed to win a personal injury case such as the kind of evidence that is effective and the types of documentation needed from the insurance company, employers, and even witnesses that were at the scene. My name is Rebecca, and I created this website to help guide you through your personal injury case. There is no reason for you to feel alone throughout the process, and I hope my insight helps you feel more empowered with your decision making.
